2 February – World Wetlands Day

On 2 February 1971 the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was signed in the Iranian city of Ramsar. The Convention set out to protect wetlands of international significance – particularly as habitats for aquatic birds. World Wetlands Day is held every year on 2 February to mark the signature of the Convention. Each year it focuses on a different topic of current relevance to wetland environments and their protection.
Urban wetlands improve quality of life in cities
This year’s World Wetlands Day focuses on wetlands in or near cities. The aim is to raise public awareness of the important role wetlands play in urban life; today more than 4 billion people all over the world live in cities. Wetlands are valuable habitats for aquatic birds, but they are also important for many other reasons. They absorb water during prolonged periods of heavy rain, acting as a giant sponge and helping to prevent flooding. They act as underground reservoirs, filtering groundwater and absorbing some pollutants. In hot weather they cool and humidify the air, helping to improve air quality in cities. They are popular recreational destinations for city-dwellers. And last but not least, they are a unique biotope providing valuable habitats for many plant and animal species.
The Poodří wetlands
There are 14 officially designated wetlands in the city of Ostrava itself. The Poodří wetlands (a complex of wetlands along the Odra River) was officially listed as a wetland area in 1993. Nature conservation work at Poodří focuses on preserving and restoring the original natural hydrological conditions in the vicinity of the river, ensuring that all bodies of water (lakes, ponds etc.) are maintained in an optimum condition, turning former arable land into grassland, and enlarging the woodland areas.
Wetland walks to raise public awareness
To mark this year’s World Wetlands Day, you can take part in two guided walks. The first walk is on 3 February 2018, with the route leading from the Kozmice meadows to the “Garage” club in Martinov. The route passes the Hlučín lake, continues along the Opava River via the Jilešovice–Děhylov Site of Community Interest (SCI), and then passes the Štěpán pond before arriving at its destination in Martinov. The second walk – “Winter Wetlands of the Poodří” – is on 4 February. The route leads from Jistebník along the Odra River via the National Nature Reserve to Polanka nad Odrou. Both walks are organized by the ZO ČSOP ALCES association. See Calendar.
The former Czechoslovakia signed the Ramsar Convention on 2 February 1990. Three years later the Czech Ramsar Committee was established.
www.ramsar.org, http://mokrady.ochranaprirody.cz/ramsar/RS06-poodri, https://www.mzp.cz/cz/ramsarska_umluva_o_mokradech