Citizens have selected the best projects to improve life in Ostrava-Jih

Citizens of the Ostrava-Jih municipal district (Ostrava’s most populous district, covering a large area in the south of the city) have voted for the 20 winning projects in the second year of the district’s participative budget. A total of 3 964 people voted, and their chosen projects will help to improve public spaces, build new play areas and sports facilities, implement social projects, repair a historic building, and improve road safety.
The Dubina and Bělský Les areas will gain two beautiful new rest and relaxation zones for local people to enjoy.
The Hrabůvka area will be the site of three new beach volleyball courts, a modernized play area for children, revitalized green areas, and talks on safety for senior citizens.
Projects in the Výškovice area include modernized sports facilities, new playparks near sandboxes, and easier access to car parking for disabled citizens.
The Zábřeh area will gain a fully equipped computer teaching room for senior citizens, a safety mirror at a busy road junction, and a new speed hump to improve road safety. There will also be a new children’s playground, a facility for ball games and petanque, a pleasant area for rest and relaxation, and a project to restore the Chapel of St. John to its former glory.
Hana Tichánková, Deputy Mayor of the Ostrava-Jih municipal district, commented on the plans: “We are grateful to everybody who played an active role in the process – either by submitting projects or by voting in the second year of our ‘Creating Ostrava-Jih Together’ project. Each voter could cast 4 votes in favour of projects, and 2 votes against – enabling people to express their opinions not only on projects they supported, but also those that they felt were not appropriate. Thanks to our participative budget, everybody who lives in Ostrava-Jih can directly influence our quality of life here.” See HERE for more details.
Some statistics from the voting
New projects will include:
- 5 projects to revitalize public spaces, parks and greenery
- 5 social projects
- 4 play areas
- 3 sports facilities
- 2 road safety projects
- 1 restoration of a historic building