Owners of family houses in Ostrava have so far filed the most applications in the region in the second wave of boiler subsidies. Ostrava is the city with the highest number of applications and the most successful municipality with extended powers. Applicants can still apply for boiler subsidies, which are extremely beneficial. With the support of the city and the region, a new boiler can be completely free.

Ostrava’s inhabitants submitted the most applications for boiler subsidies from all towns in the Moravian-Silesian Region – a total of 451 total up to 25 September. Ostrava is also the most successful municipality with extended competence with 755 applications.
The second wave of boiler subsidies is not yet over. Funds for the exchange of old boilers for new ones are still being prepared and the offer for Ostrava applicants – a subsidy from the city budget of 10,000 crowns and an interest-free loan of up to 100% of the granted subsidy.
Also our boiler office, which we opened at the beginning of the holidays, has served its purpose well. Dozens of people have come here to gather information about the possibilities of the second wave of boiler subsidies and are still coming, even though their numbers are decreasing.
“We are delighted that Ostrava’s inhabitants have shown a lively interest in the subsidy. We have tried to make the most of it, whether it’s about information, financial support, or an interest-free loan. A special contact point in the Ostrava Town Hall building has also served its purpose well since it has been frequented by dozens of people, especially during the summer months and at the beginning of September,” said Deputy Mayor Kateřina Šebestová.
Clerks from the Environmental Protection Department of the City Hall moved to their offices to provide applicants for the replacement of an old boiler for a new one with information. Since Wednesday, 20 September, the information point Sokolská street has been closed.
Information will be ready to be delivered in the offices by telephone agreement – Gabriela Babincova, office no. 327 (phone number 599 443 328) and Hana Nadkanská, office no. 325 (phone number 599 443 228)
Everything about boiler subsidies, including the Ostrava offer, is published not only on the official website of the city www.ostrava.cz, but also on the specialized website www.dychamproostravu.cz.
Exchange applications may be submitted until the funds run out or until 31 December 2018. At present, approximately 60% of the allocated funds for the Moravian-Silesian Region have been used up.
Moreover, since 2022, it will not be possible to operate boilers of the lowest emission classes.
Owners of non-ecological boilers should therefore make use of the current offer, which allows them to replace their old boiler with a new one with minimal use of their own funds or, in the optimal case, completely free.