
Currently the main focus is on reducing transport-related noise; this problem is shared by all major Czech cities.
As defined in the currently valid implementing decree issued by the Czech Ministry of Health and stipulating day and night noise limits, the category of transport-related noise from roads/railways existing before 1 January 2001 (termed “old noise burdens”) is applicable to the current situation in the vicinity of Ostrava’s main roads (nos. /11, I/56, II/647, II/469 and II/470) and the other roads in the city’s network. Residential areas in the vicinity of these roads are predominantly affected by noise from road transport and trams. Due to the high intensity of road traffic, noise limits are exceeded in most built-up areas near Ostrava’s main roads. Road transport causes noise in excess of the stipulated limits during the day at approx. 2 000 buildings to which noise limits are applicable, affecting around 36 500 people (12% of the city’s population). At night, noise limits are exceeded at approx. 3 876 buildings to which noise limits are applicable (61 500 people, 20% of the population).
Excessive noise caused by trams affects approx. 1640 inhabitants during the day (0.5% of the population) and 5700 inhabitants at night (2%). Excessive noise caused by rail transport affects 2059 inhabitants during the day (0.7%) and 9691 inhabitants at night (3%).
Industrial facilities
There has been a significant reduction in noise emitted by industrial facilities in Ostrava; due to the city’s industrial history, this used to be a major contributor to urban noise. The city no longer has factories which emit high levels of noise over a long distance. The most significant source of noise related to industrial facilities is transportation to and from those facilities.
Other sources
In 2010 Ostrava approved an anti-noise ordinance (i.e. a locally applicable law) restricting other sources of noise and defining activities that are the main sources of noise: the use of lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, pneumatic drills, compressors and other noisy machinery. Other activities classified as unacceptable noise in public places include the use of firearms (for recreation, sports and training) and the use of fireworks. The ordinance requires persons to refrain from the above-mentioned activities 24 hours a day on Sundays and public holidays, and between 20:00 and 06:00 on weekdays and Saturdays. Breaches of the ordinance can lead to the imposition of fines up to 1 200 EUR (private citizens) or 7 700 EUR (businesses).