Drinking water

Ostrava’s public water supply network is run by the Ostrava Water and Sewerage Company (OVAK), which is part-owned by the City (the Mayor is the Chairman of the Board of Directors). The network consists of 1 046 km of water mains, 31 852 connecting pipelines (420.4 km), 32 324 network-integrated water meters, 47 pumping stations, 15 water tanks (total volume 40 540 m3) and a water treatment plan at Nova Ves.
Key priorities in the management of Ostrava’s water supply network include minimizing water loss and achieving a gradual reduction in operating costs. In 2016 water loss accounted for 12.75% of the total volume; this was the second lowest level in the past 15 years and significantly below the average losses for Czech water companies (national average = 15.4 %).
Preventive maintenance of the water supply network also helps to ensure that drinking water sources are used efficiently. A new method of preventive maintenance – ice pigging – has now been introduced. See ´Projects´in this Theme.