ČistáOVA – an application that helps to make Ostrava nicer

In mid-May, Ostrava launched a new web application called čistáOVA (Clean Ostrava) to improve public space. To date, the public have sent 358 suggestions.
The application allows you to report defects and shortcomings in the public space in the city, such as broken public lighting, damaged urban furniture, damaged traffic signs, damaged pavements, uncut lawns, missing manhole covers, etc. The suggestions are passed on to competent persons, who then send feedback on how the problem has been resolved.
The web application has a very simple interface that allows convenient use not only on computers, but also mobile phones and tablets without any installation or log-in.
Of the total number of 358 suggestions, 269 defects and deficiencies have already been removed, another 89 are pending. Most suggestions concerned uncut grass, unsuitable pavements, illegal dumps, missing litter bins or benches. Most suggestions come from Ostrava-Jih (105), Poruba (78) and Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz (72). Slezská Ostrava comes third with 26 suggestions.
“The great advantage of the application is that citizens’ suggestions immediately get directly to the responsible person, so the issue can be addressed more efficiently and quickly. More than three hundred suggestions have already been handled and we are ready to handle others. A pleasant and clean city is one of our top priorities”, said Kateřina Šebestová, Deputy Mayor for the Environment.
How can you send a suggestion? Go to cistaova.ostrava.cz, click on the appropriate category of notification, identify the problem briefly in the “name” field, or write more in the “problem description” field, fill in the exact “address” (or tag the notification on the map), attach a photo and “send”. After the notification is checked by the contact centre, the notification will be sent to the appropriate authority. Progress can then be monitored in detail of the notification.