Ostrava - Poruba’s citizens can play an active role in helping keep their city clean

There are around 750 bins in city district Poruba’s streets. Now, thanks to a new project, Poruba’s citizens can help ensure that the bins are emptied when they need to be – simply by downloading a free mobile app.
Poruba is involved in a pilot project through which citizens can contribute to keeping their streets clean – simply by downloading the Zero Waste City smartphone app, which is completely free of charge and is available for Android and iOS. Each public bin in Poruba now has a sticker with a QR code – so if people notice that a bin is full, they can simply scan the code and notify the waste collection teams that it needs emptying.
Deputy Mayor Dalibor Malík explained the benefits of the scheme:
“Thanks to these notifications, we can empty bins when they need emptying – and if a bin is broken, we can repair it immediately. We’ll also know which bins get full very quickly, so we can locate more bins in the area.”
Malík said he was confident that members of the public would get involved:
“We all want Poruba to be a clean and tidy place to live. And I’m sure people will participate in the scheme and help us to achieve this goal.”
The Zero Waste City project won an award from the Moravian-Silesian Region in a competition to find smart solutions for everyday life. It was created by a small start-up belonging to two graduates of the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava – Zdeněk Polanský and Luka Oros. Poruba is one of two districts in Ostrava that is piloting the project. If it proves successful, it could be used in many other towns and cities.