Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

Ostrava is one of the first Czech cities to have drawn up a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy addressing the risks and impacts of climate change (“Adaptation Strategy”); this follows on from previous mitigation-related activities and projects (membership of the Covenant of Mayors, the City’s SEAP/SECAP, Smarter City activities). The creation and implementation of the Adaptation Strategy is one of the key activities in the Ostrava City Strategic Development Plan 2017–2023. All it began in 2016, involving experts from the academic sphere (University of Ostrava) and other expert institutions (Czech Academy of Sciences – CzechGlobe, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, etc.).
The Adaptation Strategy consists of two parts – analysis and proposals. The analytical part contains a detailed description of possible climate change scenarios for Ostrava including an evaluation of the risks associated with the predicted changes. It also evaluates the phenomenon of heat islands within the city, identifying local climate zones which depend on the type of buildings, greenery and other parameters. Climate characteristics are then assessed in the context of socio-economic indicators and trends; this enables a more detailed identification of problem locations in the city, depicted in the vulnerability map which is one of the outputs that form a basis for the proposed measures.
The Adaptation Strategy is based on the City’s vision, which sets out the following strategic goals for adaptation to climate change:
- SUFFICIENT WATER – sufficient high-quality water, protection against drought, improvements in water use and management
- A PLEASANT CITY – improvements in Ostrava’s public greenery and public space
- A HEALTHY LANDSCAPE – improvements in the health of the landscape
- CLIMATE PROTECTION – reduction in greenhouse gas production, improved energy efficiency, support for the adaptation of buildings to climate change (the Adaptation Strategy includes a section on mitigation, enabling both adaptation and mitigation to be taken into account)
- PEOPLE – public health, education, prevention, care of vulnerable groups