Day for bees and honey harvest in Zoo Ostrava

Saturday, 16 June 2018 will be dedicated to bees and beekeeping in the Zoo Ostrava. On this day, Zoo Ostrava will host the traditional honey harvest where you can learn what a honey extractor is used for, what a honeycomb is, how long a worker bee lives and other interesting information. Due to the alarming decline of these and other important pollinators, the Zoo will present its own activities to protect the bees, but also bumble bees and other insect species.
Importance of bees
Bees are among the most economically important animals, but not because of honey, propolis or other products, but for their (often underestimated) pollination activity. They contribute to the increased production of agricultural crops and fruit trees, helping to maintain high biodiversity of the landscape. Reports of the rapid decline of these animals and other insect species have been alarming in recent years.
Zoo Ostrava’s help to bees and other pollinators
Therefore, several measures have been taken in Zoo Ostrava in recent years to promote the populations of bees, bumble bees, butterflies and other invertebrates. These include a number of insect hotels, bumblebee booths, flowering meadows etc. in many places around the Zoo. These measures are usually relatively simple and can inspire those interested in installing similar homes in their own gardens, school gardens or parks. Each of us can (should) contribute to protecting the environment. The Zoo also wants to start bee keeping in the near future.
Saturday for bees
The programme will take place from 10.30am to 4pm. It will start at 10.30am on the Bee Trail (near the exposition ‘On a farm’) with the symbolic welcoming of the bees at the Ostrava Zoo. Then children and their parents can look forward to a grand bee competition, which will include physical activities, manual craft activities and points with a demonstration of beekeeping tools. You can also get a photo of you dressed as a beekeeper.
In the training centre (near the Tanganyika pavilions), you will be able to try honey pouring and look into a beehive. Demonstrations of honey pouring, talks about the life of this insect, and its irreplaceable role in the existence of humanity on planet Earth, will take place at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. You will be able to both pour the honey and also taste it. There will also be a presentation of other bee products.
The event is organised with the long-term support of the Beekeeping Association of Moravia and Silesia.