Debate on Ostrava’s air quality attracted attention

There was a lot of interest in the public debate with scientists on air quality, which took place on Friday. Tomáš Macura, the Mayor, debated with Dr. Martin Tomášek and Jiří Bílek, the representatives of the University of Ostrava and the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, respectively. The Mayor pointed out that Ostrava is the leader in emission reduction. By 2020, urban public transport will completely remove diesel-powered buses. He also mentioned the success of Ostrava’s involvement in the subsidy programme for reducing emissions from local heaters, known to the public as “boiler subsidies”. Thanks to this programme, more than 1,000 boilers in Ostrava’s family houses were replaced. He also said that from May 1, Ostrava will start to more frequently clean its roads, with the busiest roads to be cleaned up to 6 times a month. He also talked about city investments in the planting and maintenance of public greenery, etc.
On 13 June, another public debate will be held, this time on water and climate change. We look forward to seeing you again at the Pant Centre at 5.30pm.