Do you have an idea how to improve life in the South? Submit your proposals by June 30th!

Until the end of June, the citizens of Ostrava-South have the opportunity to propose improvements through the project “We Form the SOUTH!!!”. The City District Hall has again allocated CZK 7 million for their ideas under the 3rd annual participatory budget.
You can submit a proposal in printed or electronic form. The electronic form is available at The printed form was published in Jižní listy newsletter and is also available at the Ostrava-South City District Hall at the Information Office.
In recent years, for example, successful projects included playgrounds, sports grounds, benches, as well as public landscaping or lectures for the elderly. The ideas can be consulted with Kateřina Šebestová, the project coordinator, at or tel: 720 952 981.
All information can be found at, for current events go to