Energy Savings and Policy of Climatic Changes, Carbon Footprint

21 and 22 November closed a cycle of workshops in Ostrava held on the topic of “Energy Savings and Policy of Climatic Changes, Carbon Footprint,” which was this time designated for public administration representatives, organizations and other parties interested. The workshop was organized with the cooperation of representatives of the Moravian-Silesian Regional Authority.
Companies as well as representatives of cities welcomed the selection of topics and combination of presentations given. A common feature of all the workshops was namely their “framing” into the context of climatic changes policy and carbon footprint of the authority. The presentations showed the participants the possibilities of systematic and responsible energy management and savings by the authority, showed practical use of alternative energy sources, also presented a potential for sustainable development of cities, clarified current criteria of sustainability / energy savings in tenders and pointed out the possibilities of financing savings measures from the Operational Program Environment funds.
The participants also had a chance to get to know the measures that had been taken by Ostrava and Jihlava in order to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint, plus experience from tracing the carbon footprint of the Office of the Czech Government. A representative of the only energy self-sufficient municipality in CZ – Kněžice – presented the existing success and other plans.
The workshops were part of the “Cycle of Workshops – Energy Savings and Carbon Footprint” project supported by the State Program for the Support of Energy Savings for 2017-2021, EFEKT 2 program for 2017, Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The workshops were organized by the company Cl2, o. p. s.,
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