Excellent research at VŠB-TU

The Institute of Environmental Technologies, which is part of VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, has received over CZK 100 million from the Operational Program Research, Development and Education for excellent environmental research.
“The project will be implemented within two research programmes, namely Material and Energy Recovery of Waste and Environmental Pollutant Reduction”, says professor Lucie Obalová, Director of the Institute of Environmental Technologies (IET). The project’s finances will help strengthen the research team, streamline international cooperation and apply scientific outputs into practice.
Researchers from the IET will address, for example, reducing the environmental burden resulting from the production of high-volume waste originating from the metallurgical and energy industries, still abundant in the Moravian-Silesian Region, or by increasing the level and safety of the anaerobic conversion of waste into gas.
Bad air is a long-standing problem not only in the Ostrava region. Thanks to this project, scientists will further explore ways to reduce air pollution (nitrogen oxides, CO2, etc.) by special (catalytic, photocatalytic, adsorption) methods. They also want to address the possibility to exclude extraneous substances from waste and surface water.
The Institute of Environmental Technologies has long been involved in education and research in the fields of waste treatment, waste gas treatment and water purification, or modelling of the spread of pollutants in the environment.