Extraordinary road cleaning has commenced in Ostrava

In May, we have started cleaning Class1 to Class 3 roads owned by State and region 2 to 6 times a month according to the enclosed dust map.
While this cleaning frequency was applied to local roads owned by the City last year, this year we added State and regional roads. The extraordinary cleaning is estimated at CZK 14.4 million.
CZK 7.3 million will be spent on cleaning local roads owned by the City.
“We did not want to wait for State and regional money for the extraordinary cleaning of regional and State roads. We have started the works already in May, we will be paying for them to the Ostrava Roads Administration and hope that the costs will be reimbursed by the State and the region. I consider such extraordinary road cleaning to be absolutely revolutionary, unmatched by any other city in the Czech Republic”, said Tomáš Macura, Mayor of Ostrava.
The road cleaning frequency prescribed by law is insufficient for Ostrava, which is affected by a high volume of dust particles; therefore, in 2008, the city has decided to carry out extraordinary cleaning. This cleaning was carried out not only on roads owned by the City, but also on roads owned by the State and the region. In 2009, Ostrava purchased a special Mercedes-Benz Actros 1832 self-collection truck, which is equipped with a Faun Viajet Filtair sweeper with special polymer filters for collecting fine airborne dust (PM10). Cleaning of class 1 and 2 roads owned by the City and selected class 3 roads owned by individual City districts are carried out Ostravské komunikace, a.s. (Ostrava Road Administration).
In addition to the statutory obligations, since 2016 city road cleaning has been coordinated with the cleaning of the tramway cover, where the application of sand under the tram wheels (to increase adhesion) leads to the dusty particles from the crushed sand polluting the streets. For this purpose, in 2017 the Ostrava Transport Company purchased Mercedes Croy, a special cleaning vehicle which removes the sand from the rail grooves and the areas of the tramway cover.