Greenhouses in the Ostrava Zoo have already been open to the public

This year, growing greenhouses in the Ostrava Zoo have been open a month earlier! Due to increased public interest, they were open already on the second weekend in April.
With an area of 1000 m2, the greenhouse is home to tropical and subtropical plants from various corners of the world, which are used to create and maintain tropical expositions in the zoo. “There is also a collection of fruits and vegetables, as well as various herbs and spices from around the world. From April until the end of October, the Ostrava tropics is open to the public every weekend at 11am and 2pm. The tours are included in the Zoo ticket price and are only available with a guide.
Visitors should gather at the entrance to the zoo, where we pick them up“, says David Kubala, a dendrologist at the Zoo Ostrava and one of the guides. Due to limited capacity, reservations are required in advance, either by calling at 596 241 269 or personally at the Zoo reception.
During the tour, visitors can see and (if ripe) taste different tropical fruits or aromatic herbs. These include, for example, fruits of a low variety banana trees (Musa), citrus trees (orange, tangerine, Tahiti lime, lime or kumquat) and Arabian coffee plants (Coffea arabica). There are two species of aromatic herbs from South and Central America, which have very similar uses in gastronomy and healthy diet. It is Stevia rebaudiana, also called sweet leaf, and Aztec sweet herb (Phyla dulcis).
Both plants contain substances which are used as a substitute for classic refined sugar and are a significant complement to healthy diet. The steviols contained in stevia are 1.5-3 times sweeter than sugar and hernandulcin, which is found in Aztec sweet herb leaves, is even 1,000 times sweeter. They are ideal for sweetening tea and other drinks, and can also be added to desserts or fruit salads. The leaves can be used fresh, frozen or dried.
“In the Czech Republic, these plants should be grown in portable containers to allow them to grow freely in the garden during the summer. Visitors can compare the taste of these two herbs during the tour”, says David Kubala.
By the main entrance to the zoo, there is a new collection of bonsai, with very interesting exhibits of miniaturized trees grown in containers.
Attached photo is freely available for use for print, internet and television news; photos by David Kubala and Pavel Vlček.