Hrabovjanka Nature Park was inaugurated

Approximately a year ago, the association “Green Hrabová” was founded. The reason was to form a group of people from Hrabová who like nature and want to protect it. The primary motivation was to prevent the construction of parking spaces in the Šídlovce locality.
“We got the idea to build a forest park during the walks to the Ostravice River in early 2017. The neglected area looked very sad. Nettles over 1m high, fallen and broken trees, a lot of mess, waste. Everything in this place was very neglected”, said the authors of the idea and the whole project, Jana Batelková and Jana Václavíková.
Hrabovjanka is now a quiet place amidst greenery right next to the bike path leading to the Ostravice River. The dominant feature is a natural gazebo made from willow wicker, which changes with the seasons. Wooden benches offer a comfortable seating. You will find many educational and interactive elements for children.
Their idea to turn the neglected area into a pleasant place to draw energy from nature was supported with CZK 1,649,000 by the City of Ostrava, the City District of Hrabová and Brembo Czech, s.r.o. The first difficult work began already in August 2017, when the surface was trimmed (nettle removal, brushcutter work, mulching, grass mowing, removal of uncut grass and large stones, cutting and trimming of trees). In December 2017, NAPLOT.CZ installed a willow gazebo, which grows to such a size only once every four years. It is a beautiful willow art that brings about the magic of nature. The park also kept the hollow trees that are important for the presence of a critically endangered species of pond bats, which use the site for migration, and heavily endangered species of Nathusius’s pipistrelle and common pipistrelle.
The ceremonial opening of the park also included the planting of Hrabovian linden tree of liberty. The event was attended by the popular Czech singer Aneta Langerová, the park’s patron.