Energy Management System

Creation of a new position: City Energy Manager
A new position – City Energy Manager (EM) – was created at the Ostrava City Authority in order to coordinate the systematic implementation of the SEAP and monitor progress towards its goals. The EM’s tasks in connection with the City’s involvement in the Covenant of Mayors are:
- to design and systematically implement measures and standardization in connection with the City’s energy management system;
- to design and introduce comprehensive database systems facilitating effective administration and energy management by the City and its organizations;
- to implement ongoing monitoring of fuel/energy costs, including evaluation of operating costs at City-owned buildings and facilities;
- to evaluate the benefits of already-completed energy efficiency projects;
- to devise and plan projects and to seek out suitable subsidy programmes for the implementation of new measures and the operation of already-introduced systems or systemic measures;
- to monitor the implementation of the SEAP.
The EM is currently also responsible for the pilot introduction of ISO 14000 standards for the City Authority building as an integral part of the City’s energy management system.
Benefits of the planned energy management system
The total energy consumption of City-owned buildings (schools, preschools, health care and social services facilities, etc.) has not previously been monitored via a single integrated system at the City Authority level. One of the expected key benefits of the City’s planned energy management system is the evaluation of all City projects or other activities in terms of energy consumption – and also in terms of the energy benefits or synergies that the project/activity could bring. Another measure will involve the introduction of a centralized monitoring and information system for energy consumption, which will collect and evaluate data on energy consumption and other operating parameters. These measures will also form part of the planned introduction of the ISO 50000 standard and the award of ISO certification for the City’s integrated energy management system.