New booking system of evening commented tours at the ZOO

Visitors to the Ostrava Zoo can attend evening guided tours from 29 June. It is one of the few occasions where you can experience what happens in the Zoo after it closes and how the animals behave after dark. In the evening, the behaviour of animals is different than during the day – especially twilight and night-time animals are much more active at this time (for example, cats, deer or owls). On the contrary, animals with daily activity can be seen to prepare for resting during the evening. For example the peas that roam freely about the zoo fly high to the tree tops every night. Due to limited capacity, it is necessary to book the tour in advance, NOW through a reservation system.
The first evening guided tour will take place on Friday 29 June from 8pm and then every other Friday until the end of the holidays. Please note that walking around the Zoo is only permitted with a guide (the event takes place after the closing time). The duration of the tour is about 2-3 hours.
Visitors pay the usual entrance fee, i.e. CZK 110 for adults, and CZK 80 for children under 15 (only accompanied by an adult), students under 26 and seniors. You cannot use your season tickets or other discounted tickets for these evening tours and you can only pay in cash.