On Friday 14 June, an unusual new outdoor teaching space was used for the first time in a city centre park.

The “Open-Air Classroom” project, based in a small park just a couple of blocks away from Ostrava’s City Hall (Park Československých letců), was one of the winning entries in the City’s 2018 subsidy programme supporting improvements to public space. The project – initiated by teachers from the 1st International School of Ostrava – received 230 000 CZK in subsidies from the programme.
Near the park there are several schools that can use the new open-air classroom – the Matiční and Ostrčilova primary schools, the International School, and the University of Ostrava’s Science Faculty. Students can enjoy learning outside in the fresh air, offering a pleasant change from the routine of indoor learning and home.
The open-air classroom will be maintained by students from the 1st International School of Ostrava for two years, and then the City will take over the maintenance. The space is constructed out of concrete, so maintenance will be simple.
Applications for the third year of the City’s subsidy programme for improvements to public space (the “fajnOVY prostor” programme) can be submitted up to 15 August. Thanks to the programme, citizens can access funding to implement their own creative ideas for improving public spaces throughout the city – streets, squares, parks and other areas – making these spaces more pleasant or more useful, or transforming them to serve new purposes. As in the previous two years, a total 5 million CZK is available to support successful projects.