New website informs about important projects

The Poruba city district has launched a new website, which informs about upcoming, ongoing and future projects. It is a one-stop-shop for all the information about how the city district wants to develop.
“The new website is named FajnOVA Poruba (“cool” Poruba). The name speaks for itself. What we want to say is that Poruba is really a good place to live and our goal is to make it even more attractive. And the name also refers to the fact that Poruba is part of a larger whole – the city of Ostrava – and it must develop in close cooperation with its other parts. FajnOVA Poruba is also the name of a strategic industrial plan, which is being prepared in close cooperation with experts and citizens. We would like it to be ready by the beginning of summer”, says Zuzana Bajgarová, deputy mayor.
The website will also serve as a platform for people to engage in co-decisions on the future of Poruba. Currently, you can vote on the priorities that arose from the “Poruba’s Ten Priorities” public forum. You will also find a link to the emotion maps that you can fill out after once again two years and identify places in Poruba that you do and do not like, where you go shopping or have fun, or where you have trouble getting by public transport.
“Our goal is to involve the citizens of Poruba in the formation of public space. We try to talk to people about the upcoming projects and ask them what we should focus on in the future. The new website should be one of the places where people can help change Poruba for the better”, added the deputy mayor.
All strategic materials of the city district and the vision of how Poruba could look in a few years will be published on the website.