
The implementation of the City’s SDP and the coordination of activities among different departments at the City Authority is the responsibility of the Strategic Development Department, which is also the point of initiation for the implementation of the City’s key activities. Environment-related activities are the responsibility of the Environmental Protection Department, which is also responsible for implementation strategies in its area of the SDP. In addition to its role in city-level government, the City Authority also has a number of national-level powers devolved to it, which it exercises on the city level; the Environmental Protection Department exercises these powers in the areas of air quality, waste and water management, nature conservation, etc. Several other departments of the City Authority also contribute to sustainable development and environmental management – e.g. the Transport Department (sustainable mobility), the Office of the Head Architect (urban development), etc.
The processes of involving and informing members of the general public and initiating new projects form part of the fajnOVA project, which incorporates clearly defined goals in the area of marketing and coordinates cooperation in international projects.