About the Plan

The new Ostrava City Strategic Development Plan 2017–2023 was drawn up in collaboration with all stakeholders in the city. The development visions were formulated on the basis of numerous discussions with leading Ostrava experts. The entire planning process – representing an effective platform for cooperation on the city’s development – lasted a year, and it was communicated to the general public via the brand ‘fajnOVA (a play on words combining a Czech word meaning ‘fine’ – and pronounced in the same way as the English word – with ‘OVA’, a commonly used abbreviation of the city’s name).

The City’s visions which will guide its activities in the upcoming years include ‘Bringing the city closer to nature’ and ‘Creating a great environment for all generations’. The Strategic Development Plan – the key tool for implementing these visions – has seven goals, each with its own set of indicators. The two goals mentioned above form the pillar ‘A Healthy City’, and are closely integrated with the system for evaluating EGC candidate cities; this was designed into the Strategic Development Plan as a way of ensuring that the EGC evaluation process could be used as a way of assessing Ostrava’s progress on achieving its goals within the pillar ‘A Healthy City’.


Strategic goal 7: “Bringing the city closer to nature”

Ostrava must achieve major progress in improving all aspects of its environment, especially air quality and the clearance of existing ecological burdens. Climate change is also a challenge to which the city must respond adequately.

  • Major progress in the areas monitored as part of the EGC bid
  • Expansion of revitalized green areas
  • Introduction of energy management and environmental management at the Ostrava City Authority

Strategic goal 6: “Creating a great environment for all generations”

Ostrava will continue to regenerate its brownfields and offer high-quality public spaces. The city will make more use of its green areas (including maintenance of these areas), and it will reduce the negative impacts of road transport.