Ostrava has a new mobile bio-waste crusher

OZO Ostrava, the municipal waste company, has a new crusher for biodegradable waste. The special machine, which is mobile, will allow the company to extend its services. It is ten times more powerful than the original machine. The first task of the new crusher was the disposal of Christmas trees.

The new mobile crusher can handle up to 150 cubic meters of plant material per hour. In addition, unlike the previous machine, it can handle not only thicker pieces of wood, up to 540 millimetres in diameter, but also long grass or hay.

The crusher will be used for the disposal of Christmas trees, but also to process tree branches from public greenery and private gardens. The resulting wood chips will be mixed with grass and other plant waste during the season and used to produce compost, which requires wood and dry leaves in addition to grass.

The high capacity of the crusher, along with its mobility, will allow OZO to offer completely new services to Ostrava’s city districts and their residents, who will now have more places to leave the branches from their gardens. Until now, they could do so in Ostrava only on three waste collection yards or directly at the municipal composting plant in Hrušov, for capacity reasons. The company will be able to take the machine to the different city districts and crush the branches on site.