As we inform you in december, several city municipal districts realized extensive plantig of bulbs during the autumn season. And now the bulbs has started to bloom and bring a splash of vibrant colours to the district’s public spaces.
In Ostrava’s Poruba district the crocuses, daffodils and tulips were planted by a special tractor-type machine which handled several kilometres of flowerbeds in just a few days. This spring is going to delight you with up to 600 thousand flowering bulbs in Poruba.
You can also enjoy the flood of flowers in the central city district. In the last year, for example, almost 4 and a half thousand perennial seedlings were planted in the streets of Mlýnská, Nádražní and Smetana Square. These plantings also included the planting of more than 10,000 pieces of bulbs. In the Husův Sad Park, grass carpets with a perennial admixture were laid in the framework of a pilot project, which was implemented by a supplier company in selected locations in the Czech Republic.
Perennial beds start to wake up in front of the City Hall of the City of Ostrava as well.
The estates of public areas have not been left behind, for example, by the city district Ostrava-Jih, which has planted bulbs at selected locations since 2014. Last year, bulbs were planted in Vyškovice and Zábřeh, with a total area of 455 m2.
Photo sources: city district Poruba, Jiří Birke