Ostrava Zoo helps protect endangered animals in Sumatra

Ostrava Zoo is a partner of the Kukang Rescue Program in South East Asia. An important part of the program is education among the local farmers. Wild animals as a result of the loss of natural habitat, search for food on the farmlands. Farmers identify them as pests, persecute and kill them. As long as the local people and farmers do not recognize the importance of wild animals inhabiting those areas they will never protect them.
The anti-conflict team of the Program cooperates with local farmers. Based on the information provided by this team, a list of 18 species of animals most likely to get into conflict with local people was created. Later, a new brochure was produced that offers them instructions on how to protect their property and crops from animals without harming them. The project was supported by Ostrava Zoo and its visitors through the 1 Crown Project (1 CZK from every admission charge).
“The brochure is primarily intended for use by the farmers in northern Sumatra. However we believe that introducing individual species, their significance and threats, and especially the ways to keep them away from human dwellings and farmland, can be usefull for other conservation projects in Indonesia, and all the areas with frequent wildlife conflicts” explains František Příbrský, Kukang Rescue Manager and project coordinator of Ostrava Zoo.
The brochure contains pictures and descriptions of endangered species and provides informations on how to protect them. It is available in the Czech and English versions for educational purposes.
Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) is one of those endangered species targeted by the Kukang Rescue Program. It is considered a fruit tree pest in the region and is often a victim of the farmers. The project seeks to protect all the endangered species in northern Sumatra and throughout Indonesia.