Spring is almost here, and Ostrava’s zoo is welcoming a new generation of animals

The new additions include six lambs at the zoo’s Wallachian sheep enclosure. Interestingly, not all of the lambs are white (as is usual with this breed). They include a pair of differently coloured twins – a black-and-white ewe (female) and an all-black ram (male).
The native Wallachian sheep is a hardy breed, and the ewes often give birth in the middle of the winter. The lambs are also very hardy – immediately after birth they are able to live outside, even in very low temperatures. The new lambs were born on 30 January (two rams), 20 February (a ram and a ewe), 22 February (a ram), and 1 March (a ewe).
All the lambs can be seen in their enclosure, which forms part of the “At the Farm” section of the zoo.
There are special reduced ticket prices for visitors up to the end of March.