Over 20 000 plants and flowers will brighten up Ostrava’s city centre

This week, the municipal district Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz has begun planting thousands of annual flowers and ornamental plants at locations throughout the central part of the city, including parks (Bezručův Sad, Sady Milady Horákové) and streets (Umělecká St.). Plantings will include sage, marigolds, decorative spider plants (chlorophytum), pelargoniums, coleuses, dahlias and more.
A total 20 200 annuals and 1500 roses will be planted throughout the municipal district. The district will also be following on from last year’s pilot project by planting so-called “Dutch flowerbeds” in the parks at Komenského Sady and Železárenská St. – this involves planting a special mix of annuals which are maintenance-free and also help to prevent weeds from spreading. The mix includes over 40 species – sunflowers, daisies, flax, pot marigolds, and numerous others.
Hanging baskets installed in the city’s streets (Zámecká, Puchmajerova, Poštovní. 28. října and elsewhere) will feature a total 1830 geraniums, and portable containers will be planted with petunias. The district has chosen these species because they are planted as soon as they come into bloom – so they make an immediate and hugely visible impact on the appearance of public spaces. Of course the plants will be fully maintained – watered, weeded, trimmed, pruned and so on.
The municipal district also maintains a large number of flowerbeds, which feature a range of different species selected so that flowers will be in colourful bloom throughout the entire season. The locations of these flowerbeds include Sokolská St., Náměstí Dr. E. Beneše, Umělecká St., Tyršova St., Mlýnská St., Smetanovo náměstí, Nádražní St. (near the Spolek pub and the Komerční Banka building), Plynárny, and Českobratrská St. The baskets, flowerbeds and grassy areas are not only aesthetically pleasing additions to the urban environment; they also play a significant role in helping to reduce dust levels.
Source: https://moap.ostrava.cz/cs/o-moapu/aktualne/centralni-obvod-zkrasli-vice-nez-20-tisic-letnicek