OZO Ostrava will again support environmentally-focused projects

Until the end of March, you can send OZO Ostrava, the municipal waste company, electronic applications for the third year of thematic calls. To support environmentally-focused projects related to the reduction of waste production or the protection or improvement of the environment, the company has once again prepared CZK 1 million.
The thematic call Green Ostrava is again designed to support projects concerning cleaning, improvement or beautification of public space, woods, waters, groves and meadows in the city of Ostrava.
The category New Life for Old Things, or Ostrava Without Waste gives space to creative or practical ideas for the recovery of waste or to prevent its creation. It will promote public events, the production of works of art from waste for public space or useful objects from waste and the repair or refurbishment of waste, which will lead to its recovery. Practical solutions to prevent waste generation will also be welcomed. To be eligible for support, the project must be beneficial for the public or the community.
Electronic applications for project support can be sent until the end of March. In April, OZO Ostrava will decide which projects will be supported. Project implementation must end by November, in December the implementers will have to submit final reports, and in January 2020 everything will be evaluated again. The fourth year of the thematic calls of OZO Ostrava will then begin.
Last year, over CZK 800,000 was distributed among nine successful ideas.