Pant hosted the third lecture from the series “Evening with Scientists”

Those interested in another “green” debate called “Water – a necessary and unpredictable element” met in the Pant Centre yesterday. The debate was hosted by Professor Miroslav Kyncl (VŠB-TUO), Associate Professor Jan Hradecký (OU) and Deputy Mayor Kateřina Šebestová. The speakers addressed the following topics: What is the role of water in the land? Is the drying soil a threat to the inhabitants of Ostrava? How are we prepared for climate change?
Deputy Mayor Kateřina Šebestová said: “The choice of the most appropriate climate change measures and their application in the urban environment is becoming increasingly urgent. Cities will face a number of challenges in connection with climate change. Overheating, water scarcity, or episodes of torrential rains and other extreme weather fluctuations will significantly affect the demands placed on the urban environment. Ostrava is one of the few cities in the Czech Republic that has developed an Adaptation Strategy for the impacts and risks of climate change. We are now working on the Action Plan and on integrating its outputs into city processes. Our goal is to ensure that Ostrava continues to be a pleasant place to live.”
“Today, when we face persistent droughts and torrential rains, this issue is more important than ever. The public should learn from the experts what measures can be taken. That is why I am very glad that the University of Ostrava was represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, who is one of the leading Czech scientists dealing with this current issue”, said Adam Soustružník, the spokesman for the University of Ostrava.
“Not only the Faculty of Mining and Geology, but also other departments in our university have been working on water management for a long time. There is no need to emphasize that water is today a strategic raw material and needs to be taken care of. That is why we also focus on the design of water management equipment, climatology, hydrology, wastewater treatment and revitalization of watercourses. Water in the urban environment is another interesting issue and we are glad that the City has invited our experts to take part in the debate. We should all realize that our concern for water should not end with properly closing the tap. Water is vital to our lives and each of us should behave accordingly”, said Petra Halíková, the spokeswoman of VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava.
The next “Evening with Scientists” debate, which is a follow-up to the “Night of Scientists”, will be held in the autumn and will focus on transport.