In the Smart City Hall competition, Ostrava scored in four projects. Two first prizes were awarded for the FajnOVA project and for contactless payment cards in urban public transport. SmogAlarm and an energy-saving project in the city district of Krásné Pole finished second in their category.

In the Smart City Hall competition, Ostrava scored in four projects. Two first prizes were awarded for the FajnOVA project and for contactless payment cards in urban public transport. SmogAlarm and an energy-saving project in the city district of Krásné Pole finished second in their category.
Ostrava won two first and two second places in the Smart Town Hall competition. It scored in four out of the five projects it entered into the competition.
“A total of 64 projects were contesting in the competition, and I am pleased to state that ours came across significantly among strong competition. I am delighted with the success of each one. Whether it’s the unique creation of a strategic plan involving 20,000 people, or a card payment in urban public transport. The jury was also interested in SmogAlarm and an energy-saving project in the city district of Krásné Pole. We will, of course, continue in the implementation of projects with smart technologies in Ostrava that will be beneficial for the public and will stimulate other towns in the Czech Republic,” said Deputy Mayor Kateřina Šebestová.
Ostrava won first prize in the category of e-office for the project FajnOVA, the creation of the Strategic Development Plan of the city and the urban transport company Dopravní podnik Ostrava succeeded in the category Public transport for using contactless bank cards. In addition, Ostrava was awarded second place in the category Environment for the SmogAlarm project and in the category of Energy for solving the energy needs of several buildings in Krásné Pole. In addition, the City of Ostrava was awarded third place for an innovative solution, concerning the FajnOVA project.
The announcement of the results took place on Monday, 30 October in the Liechtenstein Palace in Prague.
Awarded Ostrava projects:
FajnOVA – Creation of the Strategic Development Plan of the City of Ostrava: In 2016, a strategic city development plan was prepared in Ostrava for the period 2017-2023. A specific feature of this unique process was the high level of communication and involvement of the public in the design of the plan under the name FajnOVA. Up to 20,000 Ostrava inhabitants were involved in various ways.
Using contactless bank cards in public transport: The implementation of passenger registration functionality with generally accepted contactless bank cards already owned by passengers.
SmogAlarm: SmogAlarm is an application designed for smart mobile phones to check the current state of the air throughout the Czech Republic. The application was developed by the non-profit organization Čisté nebe (Clean Sky) in 2011 and its update in 2017 was funded by the statutory city of Ostrava.
“Municipal” energy system: The implemented project comprehensively solves the energy needs of several buildings located in the city district of Krásné Pole. These are a primary school with a school canteen, a nursery school building and other adjacent buildings of an apartment house and a health centre with a total heat consumption of ca. 2,000 GJ/year.