Citizens of Ostrava-Jih have proposed 35 projects to improve life in their City District

The City District Hall has allocated CZK 7 million for their ideas under the 3rd annual participatory budget. Approximately half of the proposals concern the construction or renovation of children’s and sports fields. But there are also interesting projects of a historical nature.
“I would like to thank all those who have made the effort to come forward with their ideas for a project improving the life in the South. Among the proposals for playgrounds, beautification of the public space or parking lots, I was surprised by proposals for the return of the bell tower to the Zábřeh cemetery, the renovation of the historical cross or the placement of the wooden sculpture at the elementary school. I am curious about which of the feasible projects will receive the biggest support in October’s vote and will thus become part of our city district”, said Deputy Mayor Hana Tichánková.
All thirty-five proposals submitted are now undergoing a technical analysis to assess their feasibility. Projects that will proceed to voting will be published this September.
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