Regional Conference of Environmental Education Coordinators of the Moravian-Silesian Region – 7 to 8 June 2018

The Secondary Teleinformatics School of Ostrava, a publicly co-funded organisation, is organizing the Regional Environmental Education Conference under the name “Using ICT in Environmental Education – Professionalization of Environmental Education in Schools”. It will take place on 6 to 8 June 2018.
This educational programme was accredited by the decision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of 11 October 2016, ref. No MŠMT 32526/2016-2-906, on the basis of Sections 25 and 27 of Act No 563/2004, on pedagogical workers and amending certain acts, and in accordance with Act No 500/2004, the Code of Administrative Procedure. This conference is organized with the financial support of the Moravian-Silesian Region.
The application for the conference HERE.
Invitation HERE.
Registration necessary till May 25.