Industrial wastes need to be addressed before production

In metallurgical production, there are a number of by-products, waste or materials, which are currently recovered. For some wastes and waste materials, however, further use is still to be found or it is not very efficient. The issue of the management of waste from metallurgical and related plants and the research of new technologies to limit their production will be addressed by the new project of VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, involving private and non-profit sector represented by MATERIÁLOVÝ A METALURGICKÝ VÝZKUM s.r.o., TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a. s., SMOLO a.s., ArcelorMittal Ostrava a. s., KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. and the National Mechanical Engineering Cluster.
The project involves the establishment and equipment of two joint research centres in the Ostrava agglomeration, and the engagement of students.
“New laboratories will be created by the participating research organizations, i.e. at our university and in MATERIÁLOVÝ A METALURGICKÝ VÝZKUM s.r.o. The university will be home to a laboratory focusing on the research of the physical and chemical properties of waste or secondary products. The project partner will establish a research centre focused on the methods of thermal processing of the investigated substances”, adds doc. Vlček from the Faculty of Materials and Technology.
The project budget exceeds CZK 78 million, of which the grant covers almost CZK 70 million, and is financed by the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. Its implementation will support the research collaboration of these organizations in 2019–2022.