Ostrava is also involved in the international project ‘Resolve’, which brings together European cities (from countries including Sweden, the Netherlands and Slovenia) to share experience on implementing sustainable mobility. The aim of the project is to improve air quality/reduce carbon emisssions created by retail related traffic by making public transport more attractive and accessible and creating a safe environment for cyclists and pedestrians. The project (co-financed via the INTERREG programme) will be implemented up to 2021.
[art_yt id=”S0NXoDqvtRc” wvideo=”640″ hvideo=”360″ position=”center” urlvideo=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0NXoDqvtRc&feature=youtu.be” namevideo=”” desc=”” durationmin=”” durationsec=”” upld=”” tmburl=”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ogk1RAO-Z6w/maxresdefault.jpg” thumbnailwidth=”1280″ thumbnailheight=”720″]
More information about the project here.