Retaining wall above Bazaly will blossom

Two hundred meters long and a four meters high, the retaining wall above the Bazaly stadium in Ostrava, which is built along an important traffic artery, will become green. The Roads Administration of the Moravian-Silesian Region will have it planted with trees.
Preparatory work on planting fast growing climbing trees – woodbines – will start in September. Gardeners will plant over a hundred of seedlings in October. Next spring, the wall should become a colourful natural backdrop that is easy to maintain and resistant to the adverse urban environment, also contributing to a noticeable reduction in dust and noise in this part of the city.
The selected tree species are able to quickly create a very attractive and green wall. Tendrils with suction cups attach to the substrate. It will not disrupt it; on the contrary, its roof-shaped foliage prevents rainfall from penetrating the surface of the retaining wall.