Roundabout in Hrabůvka adorned with 8,800 plants

The traditional venue of the spectacular New Year’s fireworks on Horní Street in Ostrava-Jih will now provide a new spectacle from spring to autumn. 8,800 plants freshly planted on an area of 1,100m2 will gradually bloom in different colours until October. Among the 24 species we can find, for example, tickseed, Echinacea, iris, aster or oregano.
The roundabout on Horní Street has so far been under the management of Ostrava Road Company. After being entrusted to the care of the City District, it was decorated with plants and its maintenance, including the flowerbeds, will be taken care of by the Ostrava-Jih Technical Services.
“The planting of perennials was preceded by the preparation of the flowerbeds, including chemical weed removal. A total of 8,800 plants of 24 species were planted. The cost for the City District were CZK 587,653”, said Deputy Mayor František Staněk, adding that the freshly planted flower bed around the roundabout needs time to bloom into full beauty. “I believe it will please the citizens and visitors of our district”, added Staněk.