Help make the world a better place – take a moment to run!

“Take a moment to run!” is a charity running event for all the family – and even for proficient runners who would like to take part in a Sunday event for a good cause. The event is being organized to raise money for the non-profit organization Moment, which supports socially and environmentally beneficial projects.
You can register to participate up to 4 May 2018.
The event will take place on 13 May 2018, 9:00–13:00
At the Bělský Les Education Centre, Ostrava-Jih 3124
Registration on the day (and issuing of start numbers) is from 9:00–11:00 (registration ends 15 minutes before the start of the race in which you are participating).
Non-competitive race for children and parents (1 km) (children up to age 10 and their parents) – START AT 9:45
Competitive race Junior Mile (1.6 km) – START AT 10:10 (girls and boys from age 11 to 15)
Competitive race: 5 km – START AT 10:30 (men and women)
Competitive race: 10 km – START AT 11:15 (men and women)
The results will be announced when all runners have crossed the finishing line.
About the MOMENT organization
The non-profit organization Moment Czech Republic was founded in 2012. Its purpose is to support other non-profit organizations. Currently Moment runs 8 voluntary second-hand clothing shops in Ostrava, Karviná, and (recently opened) Prague.
The proceeds from sales at the shops go to help several non-profit organizations: Bikes for Africa, Save Elephants, the “Ladder” day centre, the “Ondrášek” mobile hospice, and the CCBC Foundation (which is involved in biodiversity conservation).
Anybody can help Moment – whether by taking part in the charity run, helping to collect second-hand clothing, or just making an individual donation at one of the organization’s shops. All contributions are valuable: even a single bag of clothes can help change a life, and if we can collect thousands of bags, we can help change the world.
Moment supports a range of non-profit organizations:
Bikes for Africa collects used bikes at designated collection points in the Czech Republic. The bikes are then donated to people in Africa, making a real difference to their lives.
Save Elephants is an organization run by a Czech conservationist, which fights against poaching and the illegal ivory trade. By donating a bag of clothing you can help stop poachers killing elephants.
The ‘Ladder’ (Žebřík) day centre helps young people with handicaps to live a full and happy life. The day centre offers a space for them to meet their peers in a friendly, supportive atmosphere.
The ‘Ondrášek’ mobile hospice provides services to people suffering from incurable illnesses, enabling them to spend the final months of their lives with their families, supported by expert caregivers.
The CCBC (Czech Coalition for Biodiversity Conservation) helps to improve biodiversity by supporting nature conservation activities.