Let´s care about the city of Ostrava! Together!

Last May, Ostrava launched the web application čistáOVA. It allows people to report defects and shortcomings anywhere in the city via PC, tablet or mobile phone and then find out how the problem is being resolved. People have used it to report 1,669 problems since its launch, most (330) being reported this March.
The most commonly reported problems concerned roads and sidewalks (543), mess in the streets (340), state of greenery (189), illegal dumps (139) and damaged playgrounds and benches (127).
Most reports (577) came from the municipal district of Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, followed by the district of Ostrava-Jih (429) and Poruba (381). These were followed by Slezská Ostrava (95) and Mariánské Hory (35). 1329 reports were resolved, 335 are yet to be resolved, and 5 reports were not resolved (these were cases where the problem did not fall under the competence of the City of Ostrava, such as roads managed by the MSR Road Administration, cycling route outside the City of Ostrava, etc.).
“The application is very simple, users are happy with it and they are using it. But we are constantly improving it. Those who report a defect can see how the problem is being dealt with, including the time interval. In addition to city districts, we have now added other organizations, such as OZO, public transport company, and technical services. You can now also search not only by the report number, but also by any word entered in the description”, said Deputy Mayor Kateřina Šebestová about the application.
The application does not have to be downloaded, it can be found on the website cistaova.ostrava.cz. Users can make their comments under different categories, for example: greenery, mess in the streets, etc. Just briefly describe the problem, add an address or place a marker on the map and add a photo. The contact centre checks the report and sends it to the competent authority. Then, in the application, people will see if their report is already being addressed or if the problem has been resolved. The application is not used to report defects that endanger life, health and property. In these cases, citizens should contact 156 directly, as well as in the case of traffic offences such as bad parking, etc.
Ilustrative photo, source: Pixabay.com