The City of Ostrava is a member of a strategic partnership supporting the application of smart technologies in five thematic areas outlined within the Smart Region Development Strategy, approved by the Moravian-Silesian Region in June 2017. The Czech Ministry of Regional Development recognized the excellence of this Strategy by awarding it the highest possible status in the country’s regional smart concept system.
One of the five priority thematic areas of the Strategy is ‘Savings’, which focuses on supporting projects introducing smart measurement systems in buildings, modernizing buildings to use renewable energy resources, mapping air quality by sensors in the internet of things, supporting the circular economy and smart waste management, and providing environmental education. In 2017, in partnership with the Moravian-Silesian Region, the City supported a public competition to find eco-innovations which help to achieve energy savings. In 2018 two of the winning projects will apply the solutions in the fields of zero waste management and air quality monitoring.
In April 2017 Ostrava organized a conference of the Visegrad V4+ countries (the Visegrad 4 plus Romania and Bulgaria) to discuss the Smart Cities concept in the context of the V4+ countries – with the participation of experts from other European countries. One of the topics of discussion was the use of EU structural funds and other forms of funding for the development of Smart Cities. The round table discussion featured around 40 representatives of public administration from the V4+ countries, and the conference as a whole was attended by approx. 150 delegates – mostly representatives of cities and experts on the issues discussed.