This year’s ‘Green Light for Poruba’ participative budget has been launched

The 2019 system brings several changes, including an increase in the overall budget and the division into two separate categories.
The Municipal District of Poruba has set aside an increased sum of money (2 million CZK) to support the ‘Green Light for Poruba’ / ‘Zelena Porube’ project as it moves into its fourth year. But that’s not the only change to the project, which offers members of the public an excellent opportunity to put into practice their creative ideas for improvements to public spaces in Poruba – if their proposals are approved by citizens in a public vote.
Another change has been to divide the project into two categories. One category will be for projects with a budget up to 100 000 CZK; the Municipal District has set aside a total 300 000 CZK for these projects. The second category will be for projects costing between 100 000 and 700 000 CZK.
Poruba’s Mayor Lucie Baránková Vilamová explained the change:
“The idea is to separate small-scale projects – like a new bench or a new piece of equipment at a children’s playground – from larger projects with a greater impact on public space.”
Proposals can be submitted from 2 May to 30 June 2019. Poruba’s citizens will be able to vote for their favourite proposals in November, and the winning ideas will be implemented during 2020. The new rules are stricter than before; to be accepted, a project must receive at least 50 votes from members of the public.
In the first two years of the ‘Green Light for Poruba’ project, a total 11 proposals received funding. These included a drinking fountain on Poruba’s main boulevard, a clock at Alšovo náměstí, a disc-golf course at the Poruba sports centre, and several children’s playgrounds. This year two more projects will be implemented – improvements to the area outside the Ivana Sekaniny St. primary school, and alterations to a playground on Františka Čechury St.
Source: Zelena Porube