The climatic fate of the Czech Republic lies behind the polar circle

In 10 years there will be 3 billion people without water. Come to discuss with Czech geologist and climatologist Václav Cílko. Already today from 3 pm in the Lower Vítkovice Area /Dolní Vítkovice. The lecture deals with the serious issue of decreasing resources, especially of water.
What will people do when water becomes an even more scarce resource than it is now in some parts of the world? If all we do is keep talking about it, we will soon start running out of water. This applies to other indispensable resources such as food and energy as well.
More than 180 speakers from 25 countries around the world will be part of the third edition of the international Meltingpot discussion forum, which will take place from July 18-21 at the Colors of Ostrava festival in the industrial area of Dolni Vítkovice. There will be the personalities of many fields of human thinking – from politics, culture, science, education, travel, economics to personal development.