A unique exhibition "History of Ostrava Water Supply - Babylon"

Have you already seen a unique exhibition “History of Ostrava Water Supply – Babylon”?
A completely new exhibition mapping the history of water supply in Ostrava was opened at the Water Treatment Plant in Ostrava – Nové Ves in those days last year. It was built in the building of a former de-acidification station called Babylon, which is, as well as the whole of the Water Treatment Plant area, listed as a protected monument.
The exhibition was created thanks to the close cooperation between Ostrava and the Ostrava Water and Sewerage Company (OVAK). Total costs amounted to more than CZK 4 million.
Ostrava has another technical monument in an authentic environment that reminds of its rich history. “The architecturally interesting building has become a small museum that will present the Ostrava to the history of water supply in our city. Historically valuable building has found new application after reconstruction and I am very pleased. It is the way to open the monuments to the public, “said Ostrava Mayor Tomáš Macura, who Babylon baptized with water from the plant together with the CEO of OVAK last year.
The de-acidification station was built in the Water Treatment Plant area in 1935. It served only briefly for its purpose. In 2007, for the first time, the idea of setting up an exhibition of Ostrava water supply in Babylon appeared. After ten years, it succeeded in rethinking the idea into reality.
People will get to the exposition after a previous reservation. A booking form is launched on the website, through which people can book a tour.