This is the way of a public space creation

Residents of the Municipality Hrabová met in a voluntary working group and worked in Nature Park Hrabová on the 24th of March 2018. Both participation and support were significant – there were more than 50 active men, women and children involved. They cleaned up the area and prepared posts for stamped down fences. The action was very successful.
Another meeting of volunteers will take place on the 12th of May 2018 at 9 a.m. They will finalise the cleaning of areas, excavate planting furrows for shrubs, plant the shrubs, clean the water flow and spread mulch.
The Nature Park Hrabová is one of the 1st round projects supported by the City within the subsidy program focussed on the revitalisation of public spaces called “Create your public space”, which was announced last year. The City will contribute the sum close to 1 million Czech crowns. The renewal of the locality initiated by residents will include, for example, a Willow Arbour, playground items, the area for water games, etc.
In January this year, the City of Ostrava announced the 2nd round of this subsidy program and the deadline for submission of applications will take place soon. Interested persons (only natural persons – not undertaking business activities and NGOs like clubs, associations, cooperatives, foundations and foundation funds, generally beneficial organisations, etc.) may submit their applications only by the 9th of April.
Get inspired reading the official Ostrava web site, specially created for the City projects under the tag FAJNOVY PROSTOR. You will find there also information about last year projects, how to submit an application step by step, and the answers to the most frequent questions, which can help you. If there is still something missing, or you are uncertain, Veronika Šmelková will provide you further necessary information over the phone 599 442 051.