The winners of the 2nd Green Poruba have been declared!

Relaxation Square, refurbishment of the above-ground part of the former toilets on Hlavní Avenue, playground at J. Šoupala and pavement repairs of the traffic playground at the kindergarten on Ukrajinská Street. The 1.5 million budget of the 2nd Green Poruba will provide money to implement these four proposals. Their combined budgets amount to CZK 1.469 million.
“We are very pleased with our success of the Relaxation Square project. We are also quite surprised that we received the most votes,” was the reaction of the designer of the winning idea, Jan Kňazovčík, to the news about his idea’s victory. He proposed the improvement of the playground near to Slavíkova Street. The socially active neighbourhood did a good job to promote their idea: they printed 600 leaflets and thanks to a dozen active neighbours who distributed them and promoted their ideas. “The new attractions are anticipated most of all by our kids. Thanks for the opportunity and an interesting experience with a participative budget,” was the final word from Jan Kňazovčík.
For two weeks, the citizens of Poruba were able to vote on the project’s webpage, in libraries or in the infocentre, on the ideas they would like to implement next year.
The voting has shown the power of the negative votes: even if the idea of building a parking lot in Podroužkova Street got the fourth largest number of votes, it also received the highest number of negative votes. This way, the citizens of Poruba “sentenced” it to the very last position on the table.
In total, 1251 people voted. 1097 people voted electronically. Unfortunately, a number of them did not confirm the vote subsequently by e-mail, so only 907 votes were valid. People also filled 154 paper ballots, of which seven were invalid.