This year’s Earth Day is fast approaching

As in previous years, at the end of April 2018 Ostrava will host a range of events to celebrate the worldwide Earth Day – a project that has existed for more than 45 years to promote environmental awareness. Ostrava is hosting Earth Day for the 28th time.
20 April 2018 – Komenského Sady park / Moravská Ostrava
The first event in the city’s Earth Day programme will take place on 20 March at the Komenského Sady park in the city centre. The Moravská Ostrava Leisure Centre (in conjunction with the University of Ostrava) has prepared a great range of environment-themed attractions. They include art and literature competitions, displays focusing on the natural world (flora and fauna) of various continents, biophysics experiments, a special programmable robot named Karel, a chemistry-themed detective game, a presentation of vitamins past and present, a fun waste-sorting activity run by Ostrava’s waste management company OZO, an opportunity to plant flowers and herbs, displays of woodland trees and animals (presented by the national forestry corporation), and the opportunity to use scientific research equipment to learn more about the natural world all around us. You can also enjoy a specially created nature trail leading from the park to the nearby water sports centre on the banks of the Ostravice River (next to the Silesian Ostrava castle), where you can enjoy some great water sports-themed attractions – including slalom displays, boat trips and water sports competitions. There will also be kick-scooters available for members of the public.
What happened at the last Earth Day held in the park?
24 April 2018 – Bělský Les Teaching Centre / Ostrava-Jih
On Tuesday 24 April Ostrava’s Earth Day programme will go outdoors – to the teaching centre at the beautiful Belský Les forest in the southern suburbs of the city. The Ostrava-Zábřeh Leisure Centre has joined forces with several partners (Ostrava’s forest management company, the Heyrovský chemistry academy, and other schools) to create a fun and educational programme including eco-workshops, creative art and craft workshops, and art/literature competitions on environmental themes. The programme will present key principles of ecology in an entertaining way, using art, games, and other activities which help to develop participants’ sensory perception (including subliminal perception) of the natural world around us. Participants will work with natural materials, giving them a truly hands-on experience of nature.
What happened at the last Earth Day held in Zábřeh?
26 April 2018 – Hlavní třída / Ostrava-Poruba
On Thursday 26 April Ostrava’s Earth Day roadshow moves to the main avenue (Hlavní třída) in Ostrava-Poruba. This time the event is being organized by the Korunka Leisure centre in Mariánské Hory, which has prepared a range of great activities on the theme “life in motion”. Everything is in motion – water, the planets, plants, animals, and us too! So participants will be able to take part in various activities helping to raise their awareness of how plants, animals and humans move – and the importance of movement for a healthy lifestyle. If you’d like to see dancing raisins, fast fish, tiny organisms moving under the microscope – or if you’d like to try controlling the Earth’s movement using hand gestures or get confused by optical illusions – then this will be a perfect event for you. Participants will also be able to make bird-boxes and feeding tables, as well as enjoying displays of falconry, hunting skills, dog agility sports, meteorology, and much more. There will also be a “waste cabaret” presenting important aspects of waste management and eco-friendly principles in a fun and creative way. The Korunka Leisure centre is organizing the event in conjunction with several partners: the VŠB-Technical University, the OZO waste management company, plus several schools and other organizations.
What happened at the last Earth Day held in Poruba?