Blue bikes in Ostrava

The bicycle sharing system, a popular way of getting around the city, has already been started today. This year in Ostrava with a new supplier Nextbike Czech Republic s.r.o.. Compared to last year’s pilot operation, this year has been more than three times larger.
You can find and use 600 bikes in to 200 bike racks. They are urban-type bikes, all of which will now have 3 gears and a practical basket in the front. The racks are now be placed in a number of other Ostrava districts. There will be 60 in Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, 18 in Slezská Ostrava, 21 in Mariánské Hory a Hulváky, 20 in Vítkovice, 25 in Ostrava Jih, 45 in Poruba and 1 in Hošťálkovice. For more information click HERE.
Next to blue bikes you can also find pink bikes of the other operator in the city.
Photo: Ostrava City Authority Archive