Historical vehicles rides

On Saturday, 19 May 2018, we invite you to sightseeing tours with historical trams and buses. The trams run along the Nádraží Vítkovice – Zábřeh and back, including the passage through the loop-line in Zábřeh. Buses will run on the circuit Nádraží Vítkovice – Náměstí SNP– Dubina – Nádraží Vítkovice.
Nádraží Vítkovice – Kpt. Vajdy – Zábřeh Vodárna – Kino Luna – Zábřeh (passes through the loop-line) and back.
Departures from the Nádraží Vítkovice stop (in loop-line):
09:05, 09:35, 10:05, 10:35, 11:05, 11:35, 13:05, 13:35, 14:05, 14:35, 15:05, 15:35, 16:05.
Nádraží Vítkovice – SPORT ARÉNA – Karpatská – Obchodní centrum – Kotva – Náměstí SNP – Bělský les – Dubina – Hotel. dům Hlubina – Dvouletky – Učiliště Vítkovic – Jubilejní kolonie – Nádraží Vítkovice.
Departures from Nádraží Vítkovice stop (by the train station building):
09:20, 09:50, 10:20, 10:50, 11:20, 11:50, 13:20, 13:50, 14:20, 14:50, 15:20, 15:50, 16:20.
- Adults – 30 CZK
- Children (6 to 15 years old) – 15 CZK
- Prices include VAT. The fare is valid only for one trip. You can buy tickets from the driver. Passes and free tickets do not apply.
Source: https://www.dpo.cz/historie-mhd/jizdy-historickych-vozidel/2893-2018-05-19-histjizdy.html