On 17 October, the City Council of Ostrava approved a public contract for the construction and operation of a bicycle sharing system, so-called bike sharing. Offers can be submitted up to 18 December. Operator selection should take place in January 2018, with signing the contract in February. As Mayor Tomáš Macura announced, the City’s wish is for the service to start next year.

On 17 October, the City Council of Ostrava approved a public contract for the construction and operation of a bicycle sharing system, so-called bike sharing. Offers can be submitted up to 18 December. Operator selection should take place in January 2018, with signing the contract in February. As Mayor Tomáš Macura announced, the City’s wish is for the service to start next year.
“We chose a total of 39 locations in the city centre, in Silesian Ostrava, Petřkovice and Vítkovice where we want to have a fixed station for bikes. We assume that the system will not be operated by the city or city organization, but by the selected operator whom we will pay for the service. We are awaiting with anticipation who will sign up for the tender and under what conditions,” added Tomáš Macura.
In addition to bicycles, the operator should also provide equipment and maintenance of the fixed stations or the operation of a service centre and a call centre for user support. For those interested, the city is offering a three-year contract with a one-year option. In total, the city is willing to pay up to CZK 36 million for these four years.