New traffic playground helps children learn about traffic safety

A newly built ‘traffic playground’ at the Gen. Janka primary school in Mariánské Hory will be opened to the public at a special ceremony on Tuesday 10 April (starting at 4 p.m.).
Liana Janáčková, the Mayor of the municipal district Mariánské Hory a Hulváky, gave more details:
“We built the traffic playground entirely with funds from our own budget, and we are delighted with the result because not all of Ostrava’s municipal districts can boast such a facility. The new playground will be used not only by the school, but also by the general public. There will be a great lineup of events at the opening ceremony, so be sure not to miss it! ”Officers from the City Police Force will also be present at the ceremony to mark bikes with synthetic DNA, as the Mayor explained: “The municipal district will pay for the bikes to be chipped, so it will be completely free of charge for members of the public.” Officers will also show children how to use the traffic playground, as well as organizing games and other activities. The ceremony will include performances by majorettes, cheerleaders and clowns – plus of course music and refreshments. The playground will be open to the public from 15:45. Mayor Janáčková gave more information: “If the weather is bad, we won’t cancel the ceremony – we’ll just postpone it a week to 17 April. But we’re confident that we won’t need to do that, and that everything will go ahead as planned.”
The traffic playground at the school will be used to teach children about the rules of the road and traffic safety – and in the afternoons it will be open to the general public. Children will be able to ride bikes in a safe environment and learn about the meanings of road markings and traffic signs. There will also be equipment for outdoor film screenings, which will be available to members of the public from this summer onwards.