Shared Bikes Will Be Back Next Year

Bicycle sharing has completed its first season in Ostrava. The bikes were used by more than 16,000 users, who have travelled the distance of 130,000 kilometers.
The daily rentals averaged almost 600 bikes. More than 16,000 users travelled a total of 130,486 kilometers in less than seven months. 58 racks with a total of 240 bikes were taken off the streets.
“The Ostrava bikesharing system will continue next year. We will find out in a few weeks how the service will look. We are currently preparing a tender for its provider. We expect expansion to other city districts and an increase in the number of bikes. We are ready to provide the operator with a contribution for each rental. Potential service providers clearly show their interest in Ostrava” said Kateřina Šebestová, Deputy Mayor for the Environment.
Bicycle sharing is planned in the districts of Slezská Ostrava, Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Mariánské hory a Hulváky, Vítkovice, Ostrava-Jih, Poruba and Hošťálkovice. Racks will be provided by the city of Ostrava, bicycles, their repairs, redistribution and servicing will be provided by the selected operator. There could be up to 200 racks and up to 600 bikes in the busiest months.
The data collected from the pilot operation will be definitely useful under the new service, and especially useful in planning further cycling infrastructure in the city – other racks, routes, cycling symbols used for busy roads, etc.
Ostrava has long been supporting urban cycling. It currently has approximately 250 kilometres of bicycle paths and others are being prepared and built. The introduction of bikesharing was the next step in promoting green transport in the city.